Fitness Club in your pocket
Fitness Club in your pocket
Fitness Club in your pocket
Get encouragement
for your workout

Suitable for any age
Workout for anybody

Share with your friend
Communicate with your loved ones

Find your Fitmax location
Discover new Fitmax location near you

Design your body
with motivating workouts
Unlimited Workout
made for all exerciser
Connect and Challenge
with friends and relatives
Loads of gifts
when checking in with FitMax’s partners
Personalized Training Program
for your body
Track your performance
Help yourself stay accountable with calendar steaks
No workout Equipment
All you need is at home\
Gamification system
Unlock achievements everyday
Get encouragement
for your workout

Create and share
Workout for anybody

Share with your friend
Communicate with your loved ones

Find your Fitmax location
Discover new Fitmax location near you

Design your body
with motivating workouts
Unlimited Workout
made for all exerciser
Connect and Challenge
with friends and relatives
Loads of gifts
when checking in with FitMax’s partners
Personalized Training Program
for your body
Track your performance
Help yourself stay accountable with calendar steaks
No workout Equipment
All you need is at home\
Gamification system
Unlock achievements everyday
Get encouragement
for your workout

Create and share
Workout for anybody

Share with your friend
Communicate with your loved ones

Find your Fitmax location
Discover new Fitmax location near you

Design your body
with motivating workouts
Unlimited Workout
made for all exerciser
Connect and Challenge
with friends and relatives
Loads of gifts
when checking in with FitMax’s partners
Personalized Training Program
for your body
Track your performance
Help yourself stay accountable with calendar steaks
No workout Equipment
All you need is at home\
Gamification system
Unlock achievements everyday
To make this world healthier and happier
We aim to revolutionize the home workout and transform fitness into a daily inspiration
To make this world healthier and happier
We aim to revolutionize the home workout and transform fitness into a daily inspiration